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1. 对方延迟付款, 督促尽早结清 We have to remind you that the payment for your order is due for more than one month from the date of invoice.

  The ordered goods sent to you on March 10 was invoiced on March 11 and payment was due on April 11.

  2. 以特别条件达成交易,并要求付款 Your payment is a month overdue and we look forward to receiving your remittance within a week.

  We ask you for prompt clearance of all invoiced amount as we have been supplying the goods at a special discount subject to payment within a month.

  3. 通知对方由于工作疏漏,尚未付款 We have received your letter informing us that we did not settle our payment due on April 11.

  On checking the causes of this delay, we have found that our accounting department made an oversight in making remittance to you.

  4. 通知对方已寄出延付的货款 The sum of US$18,850 you request has today been sent to you by Telegraphic Transfer and we believe that it will reach you in a couple of days.

  We are very sorry to have kept you waiting, but hope that you will realize we had no intention of delaying our payment purposely.

  5. 由于仍未付款,再度提出请求 The settlement is now about five weeks overdue and we think you may not have received our letter containing the request for the settlement.

  Therefore we are enclosing a copy of the amount to the amount of 20,000 Yuan.

  You will no doubt give it your prior attention.

  6. 向来准时付款,但此次例外。督促尽快付款 As we have always received your payment punctually, we are puzzled to have had neither remittance nor report in connection with our current statement of April 30.

  7. 通知对方货品抵达,随函附上支票 As payment of your invoice No. 150, we enclose our bank cheque for 8,500 Yuan.

  We add that we are pleased with the way you executed our order.

  The goods arrived exactly on time by a United Airlines plane.

  8. 通知对方已收到支票 We are pleased to receive your bank cheque for 8,500 Yuan.

  It has been credited to your account, which is now completely clear.

  Please give us an opportunity of serving you again in any way we can.

9. 收到结帐单后三十天内付款,则给予折扣 We would like to confirm that our computers, together with shipping documents, have been delivered to you.

  Enclosed is our quarterly statement, which indicates this latest transaction.

  The usual 2% discount will be made if payment is rendered within 30 days of receipt of this statement.

  10. 通知对方已开立汇票 We have drawn on you for the sum of 50,000 Yuan at 60 d/s through the Bank of China, who are instructed to surrender the B/L on payment of a draft.

  11. 要求延缓20 天付款 As to your quarterly payment, money is coming rather slowly despite our maximum effort.

  Therefore we are compelled to ask you for another 20 days' extension for payment.

  12. 通知详细的付款条件 We will make our payment in cash without discount against shipping documents for 90% of the amount of invoice for the shipped weight.

  The balance will be settled immediately after the goods are delivered.

  If you find the goods unsatisfactory after the goods are delivered, we would like to pay your money back and take the goods.

  13. 通知对方:再不付款,则将寻求法律途径 Your payment is about six months overdue.

  We note how you stand now.

  But we can hardly overlook the fact that your payments have been delayed so frequently.

  Unless we receive your payment for the amount due on your account within a month from today, we shall be forced to submit this matter to the hands of our attorney.

  14. 提醒对方注意,若他方不付款,就不要交货 We enclose a sight draft on them attaching the shipping documents together with B/L and ask you to obtain payment before you allow them to take possession of the goods.

  If they do not finish payment, please be sure not to deliver the goods.

  15. 催促文件抵达后付款 In order to collect the shipment, we have drawn a 30 d/s draft on you under D/A.

  On the arrival of the shipping documents and draft, we ask you to accept it and pay it at maturity.

  16. 已收到余额,乐意再次进行交易 We are very pleased to receive the full payment of the outstanding balance, and shall be glad to reopen the closed account with you.

  We are pleased to enclose our receipt herewith for the cheque of 35,000 Yuan in full payment for the goods you purchased. Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month.这个月末以前应该付款。

  It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。

  Now, as regards payment, we've agreed to use U.S. Dollar, am I right?


  We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen.用日圆付款可能会有困难。

  I've never made payment in Renminbi before.我从未用过人民币付款。

  We can't accept payment on deferred terms.我们不能接受延期付款。

  What's your reason for the refusal of payment?


  Collection is not paid.托收款未得照付。

  We don't think you'll refuse to pay.我们相信你们不会拒付。

  Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank.银行只接受一次拒付。

  You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused.如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。

  We'll not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us.见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。

  We're worrying that a decline in prices might lead to refusal of payment.我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。

  Of course payment might be refused if anything goes wrong with the documents.如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。

  The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory.设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还。



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更新时间2022-03-13 11:06:26【至顶部↑】
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